The Energy Blog

What has change management to do with Energy Management?

Episode 3 of the podcast series is out and this one is special. Here we talk about challenges/risks that CXOs need to watch out for before designing and investing in a consolidated energy data strategy.

Key words:-
#EnergyManagement #EnergyProductivity #Innovation #FacelessReporting #Accountability #Innovation Link:-

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Podcast series on #EnergyManagement and #EnergyAnalytics exclusively for #CXOs

Over the last few years #EnergyEfficiency markets have evolved, calling for businesses/industries to provide more strategic importance to #EnergyManagement.To assist #CXOs and #EnergyManagers understand the changes happening and the response they need to provide, E-Cube Energy has come up with a 6 series Podcast on Energy Management and Energy Analytics. Each episodes have been designed in a way to help address specific problems and provide certain call to action.You can use the following links to listen to the Podcast series or sign up for the EDA clinic assistance on Energy Data Analytics

How close are we to having a Central Energy Efficiency Data Repository?

For all of us who have been wanting to see an inclusive energy strategy backed by Data, Niti Aayog’s focus on Energy Data Management & decision to set up of an Energy Data Agency comes as a pleasant surprise.

What impact will National Energy Data Agency have on Industrial Energy Efficiency? Will this also lead to setting up a Central Energy Efficiency Data Repository?

In this short video i talk about my take on these questions!

Would be glad to have your thoughts/feedback on the same!


Umesh Bhutoria

Ignoring potential benefits of Motor Performance and Maintenance Data?

Electric motors/motor driven systems consume 50-60% of Industrial electricity consumption and most industries generate huge data related to motor performance and maintenance, with Engineering/Maintenance department taking measurements of basic parameters etc.

Question is is your organization converting that data to insights that has potential to:-

  • Guide on possible energy efficiency interventions?
  • Advise on predictive maintenance of motors, avoid productivity losses?

E-Cube Energy has launched that allows you to maintain all data pertaining to motor performance and maintenance on a #SaaS based cloud platform, accessible from anywhere.

Platform is simple but powerful in a way that it has the potential to disrupt the way industries look at managing all the unorganized data (related to motor performance/maintenance). Essentially allowing industries to organize data, store it centrally and analyse on the plattform to have insights that otherwise was not available!

We are providing free accounts to industries for configuration of 10 motors (For 3 Months Usage). To sign up for your Free account visit


Umesh Bhutoria

Release Trapped Energy!

Across the entire energy value chain from mining, generation, distribution and consumption there are inefficiencies that get accumulated.

Every single unit of energy consumed is not in a way a single unit, it’s something much more than that!

Everyone in the value chain is paying more than they should. Companies that bring energy to consumers spend on additional infrastructure spend, consumers spend additionally for inefficiencies build in the distribution network. For inefficiency in consumption, the ones who are denied access to energy pay the price.

How can it be stopped? No one denies that focus should be on capacity addition but not thinking about how energy is generated, distributed and consumed efficiently will not solve the problem.

Through this blog we aim to make people aware of the benefits of Energy Efficiency and the need to look at the markets in an unconventional way!


Umesh Bhutoria