The Energy Blog

Section 134 of Company act 2013- Lost Opportunity to drive engagement with stakeholders? #EnergyEfficiency #EnergyManagement

As per the rule 8(3) the Companies (Accounts) Rules 2014 the Board report shall contain Disclosure of Energy conservation activities that happens in the financial year. Disclosure should include steps taken to conserve energy, utilization of alternative sources and capital investment on energy conservation projects.

In last week I went through many annual reports to understand kind of projects or initiatives leading conglomerates are taking in the Energy Efficiency landscape. Reviewed annual reports from over 10 large and around 15 midsize companies from diverse industrial sectors, to understand and analyze their thought process on Energy Efficiency or Energy Productivity in general.

Surprisingly most of the Energy Efficiency initiatives listed in the annual reports were to common projects like Installation of VFDs, replacement of CFL with LED lights, Power factor correction, and low-cost retrofit projects. They certainly meet the objective of complying with the regulatory requirements and reporting the bare minimum information as is required by the system.

With forward looking organizations taking scientific targets on Energy Productivity improvement, investors and stakeholders want to know more about how your company is poised to respond to challenges of tomorrow.

Some of things that companies can cover are:-

  • Efforts being taken to utilize data assets?
  • How is company planning to innovate on operational practices?
  • What is the plan to use emerging technologies such as #IIoT, #BigData and #Cloud?

I genuinely think that annual report is a very effective way of communicating with stakeholders, reaffirming the company’s approach towards increased Energy Productivity and overall sustainability, otherwise it’s pretty much a lost opportunity.


Sumit Nawathe

Section 134 of Company act 2013- Lost Opportunity to drive engagement with stakeholders? #EnergyEfficiency #EnergyManagement

As per the rule 8(3) the Companies (Accounts) Rules 2014 the Board report shall contain Disclosure of Energy conservation activities that happens in the financial year. Disclosure should include steps taken to conserve energy, utilization of alternative sources and capital investment on energy conservation projects.

In last week I went through many annual reports to understand kind of projects or initiatives leading conglomerates are taking in the Energy Efficiency landscape. Reviewed annual reports from over 10 large and around 15 midsize companies from diverse industrial sectors, to understand and analyze their thought process on Energy Efficiency or Energy Productivity in general.

Surprisingly most of the Energy Efficiency initiatives listed in the annual reports were to common projects like Installation of VFDs, replacement of CFL with LED lights, Power factor correction, and low-cost retrofit projects. They certainly meet the objective of complying with the regulatory requirements and reporting the bare minimum information as is required by the system.

With forward looking organizations taking scientific targets on Energy Productivity improvement, investors and stakeholders want to know more about how your company is poised to respond to challenges of tomorrow.

Some of things that companies can cover are:-

  • Efforts being taken to utilize data assets?
  • How is company planning to innovate on operational practices?
  • What is the plan to use emerging technologies such as #IIoT, #BigData and #Cloud?

I genuinely think that annual report is a very effective way of communicating with stakeholders, reaffirming the company’s approach towards increased Energy Productivity and overall sustainability, otherwise it’s pretty much a lost opportunity.


Sumit Nawathe

Section 134 of Company act 2013- Lost Opportunity to drive engagement with stakeholders? #EnergyEfficiency #EnergyManagement

As per the rule 8(3) the Companies (Accounts) Rules 2014 the Board report shall contain Disclosure of Energy conservation activities that happens in the financial year. Disclosure should include steps taken to conserve energy, utilization of alternative sources and capital investment on energy conservation projects.

In last week I went through many annual reports to understand kind of projects or initiatives leading conglomerates are taking in the Energy Efficiency landscape. Reviewed annual reports from over 10 large and around 15 midsize companies from diverse industrial sectors, to understand and analyze their thought process on Energy Efficiency or Energy Productivity in general.

Surprisingly most of the Energy Efficiency initiatives listed in the annual reports were to common projects like Installation of VFDs, replacement of CFL with LED lights, Power factor correction, and low-cost retrofit projects. They certainly meet the objective of complying with the regulatory requirements and reporting the bare minimum information as is required by the system.

With forward looking organizations taking scientific targets on Energy Productivity improvement, investors and stakeholders want to know more about how your company is poised to respond to challenges of tomorrow.

Some of things that companies can cover are:-

  • Efforts being taken to utilize data assets?
  • How is company planning to innovate on operational practices?
  • What is the plan to use emerging technologies such as #IIoT, #BigData and #Cloud?

I genuinely think that annual report is a very effective way of communicating with stakeholders, reaffirming the company’s approach towards increased Energy Productivity and overall sustainability, otherwise it’s pretty much a lost opportunity.


Sumit Nawathe

Kill the way you operate/do business now, so that you can lead tomorrow!

Energy Efficiency markets have seen some renewed sense of urgency over the last couple of years. But there is one shift that has had the highest amount of impact and that is the transition or the intent of economies to double Energy Productivity over the next 10-15 years.

Looking at Energy Productivity widens the role that emerging technologies like #IIoT, #BigData and #Analytics would play and that is where preparedness or the lack of it would also come in to play, especially when it comes to Industries/conventional businesses.

For conventional businesses/industries to take up the task of doubling energy productivity would mean attempting to slowly kill the way they operate/do business now, it is like trying to unlearn/ undo most of things you have done in the past, question everything and find answers/solutions that would take them to the goal of doubling energy productivity!

It is difficult but not impossible. We will see organisations that make the most out of their data assets, develop IPs around their businesses are going to be more likely to leapfrog in this transition process. Ones that do not catch up will not just be left behind, but eventually have to kill their business/operational model anyways. Decision to kill it now; thereby giving you a chance to survive/lead is purely yours.

Trust me i never ever doubted that #EnergyEfficiency would be so critical for businesses/economies. Your thoughts?

Yours Efficiently,

Umesh Bhutoria

Kill the way you operate/do business now, so that you can lead tomorrow!

Energy Efficiency markets have seen some renewed sense of urgency over the last couple of years. But there is one shift that has had the highest amount of impact and that is the transition or the intent of economies to double Energy Productivity over the next 10-15 years.

Looking at Energy Productivity widens the role that emerging technologies like #IIoT, #BigData and #Analytics would play and that is where preparedness or the lack of it would also come in to play, especially when it comes to Industries/conventional businesses.

For conventional businesses/industries to take up the task of doubling energy productivity would mean attempting to slowly kill the way they operate/do business now, it is like trying to unlearn/ undo most of things you have done in the past, question everything and find answers/solutions that would take them to the goal of doubling energy productivity!

It is difficult but not impossible. We will see organisations that make the most out of their data assets, develop IPs around their businesses are going to be more likely to leapfrog in this transition process. Ones that do not catch up will not just be left behind, but eventually have to kill their business/operational model anyways. Decision to kill it now; thereby giving you a chance to survive/lead is purely yours.

Trust me i never ever doubted that #EnergyEfficiency would be so critical for businesses/economies. Your thoughts?

Yours Efficiently,

Umesh Bhutoria