The Energy Blog

AIR Series: Clean and Efficient Cooling for All – Biggest Challenge of Our Times

We bring to you the 5th edition of the #AIRSeries (Ask, Innovate and Reduce), a step to create an ecosystem of sharing and exchanging thoughts about Energy Efficiency.

We will continue hosting Twitter chats and LinkedIn Q&A series with thought leaders and we would invite them to share their experiences, analysis, and thoughts on segments in which they are the master of.

The fifth edition of the #AIRSeries had Dan Hamza-Goodacre, Director at Climate Works and Executive Director of Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program join us for the Twitter chat session on the topic ‘Clean and Efficient Cooling for All – Biggest Challenge of Our Times’. The chat was held on the 4th of October, 2018 from 4:30 PM IST / 9 PM AEST.

In case you missed it, check it out here!



AIR Series: How does Utility – Consumer Relationship of the future look like?

We bring to you the 4th edition of the #AIRSeries (Ask, Innovate and Reduce), a step to create an ecosystem of sharing and exchanging thoughts about Energy Efficiency.

We will continue hosting Twitter chats and LinkedIn Q&A series with thought leaders and we would invite them to share their experiences, analysis, and thoughts on segments in which they are the master of.

The Fourth edition of the #AIRSeries had Matt Rennie, EY Oceania Utilities and Regulatory Leader  join us for the Twitter chat session on ‘How does utility – consumer relationship of the future look like?’ The chat was held on the 20th of September, 2018 from 1:30 PM IST / 6 PM AEST.

In case you missed it, check it out here!

AIR Series: Making #EnergyEfficiency great again

We bring to you the 3rd edition of the #AIRSeries (Ask, Innovate and Reduce), a step to create an ecosystem of sharing and exchanging thoughts about Energy Efficiency.

We will continue hosting Twitter chats and LinkedIn Q&A series with thought leaders and we would invite them to share their experiences, analysis, and thoughts on segments in which they are the master of.

The third edition of the #AIRSeries had Benoit Lebot, Executive Director at International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation with 20 years’ experience in #EnergyEfficiency join us for the Twitter chat session on Making #EnergyEfficiency great again. The chat was held on the 6th of September, 2018 from 6:30 PM IST / 3 PM CEST.

In case you missed it, check it out here!


It was indeed a very insightful session from Beniot, we hope you liked it!

AIR Series: Utilization of Smart Metering Infra, Opening up the data for Utilities and more

We bring to you the 2nd edition of the #AIRSeries (Ask, Innovate and Reduce), a step to create an ecosystem of sharing and exchanging thoughts about Energy Efficiency.

We will continue hosting Twitter chats and LinkedIn Q&A series with thought leaders and we would invite them to share their experiences, analysis, and thoughts on segments in which they are the master of.

The second edition of the #AIRSeries had @GoldenMatt, CEO of Open Energy Efficiency, an entrepreneur, policy advocate and efficiency agitator join us for the Twitter chat session on topics covering ‘Utilization of Smart Metering Infra, Opening up the data for Utilities and more’ from 9 AM —  10 AM IST / 1:30 PM  —  2:30 PM AEST on 24th August, 2018.

In case you missed the chat. Check it out here!

It was indeed a very insightful session from Matt, we hope you liked it!

CAN- Compressed Air Network Optimisation Algorithm! #EnergyAnalytics #EEHub

Compressed Air is one of the forms of energy that finds use in most industries, in some industries like Textiles it contributes to significant portion of the overall energy consumption.

Compressed Air Networks i.e. multiple number of compressors operating in tandem, offer potential for optimisation and improve energy productivity CFM/KW by around 5%-7% (in some cases going as high as ~12%)

Multiple factors must be looked at while considering optimising the generation and distribution of Compressed Air and the overall network.

CAN- Compressed Air Network Optimisation Algorithm

Our Algorithm works on the operational data I.e. data from each of the compressor, operating behaviour and over a period suggests optimisation possibilities resulting in better utilisation of the network, correct operation settings, resulting in energy productivity gains.

Factors/Aspects considered by the algorithm:-

  1. Weather Conditions
  2. Set Points for each compressor
  3. Operational behaviour of each compressor under the influence of the network.
  4. Maintenance

Algorithm would be available on EE Hub, users could either purchase API calls or use the algorithm as DIY tool through our web based application EnView.